Pro-NanoEnviCZ III:  Upgrade and modernization of LRI Nanomaterials and nanotechnologies for Environment Protection and Sustainable Future

Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports
Project number: CZ.02.01.01/00/23_015/0008171

Team leader (UP): Mgr. Petr Jakubec, PhD.

Funding: 16 310 022 CZK (UP)
Implementation period: 02/2024-02/2027

Co-financing rate from the European Regional Development Fund: 69,7 %

Total project costs: 106 360 000 CZK

Subsidy provider: The Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports  as the The Managing Authority of the OP JAC

The grant was awarded under the call No 02_23_015 Výzkumné infrastruktury I

Area of support: Strengthening the key infrastructure needed for cutting-edge research

Project coordinator: J. Heyrovský Institute of Physical Chemistry of the CAS;
doc. RNDr. Ing. Martin Kalbáč, Ph.D., DSc.

The project aims to modernise the instrumentation base of the large NanoEnviCz research infrastructure by acquiring new and upgrading existing experimental equipment. The infrastructure’s instrumentation and scientific facilities are already open to a wide range of users, and the project support will further expand the portfolio with new and unique services. In addition, the existing base of the most widely used instruments will be maintained and upgraded, providing rapid access to structural and surface characterisation of nanomaterials.

The modernisation of the research platform consists of the acquisition of seventeen investments at six research institutions across the Czech Republic – in a project coordinated by the J. Heyrovský Institute of Physical Chemistry of the CAS is participating:

  • Palacký University Olomouc
  • J. E. Purkyne University in Ústí nad Labem
  • Technical University of Liberec
  • Institute of Experimental Medicine of the CAS
  • Institute of Inorganic Chemistry of the CAS

The infrastructure foresees the acquisition of eight brand new innovative instruments: two unique instruments for the characterisation of nanostructured materials (photoelectron spectrometer with Kelvin probe, rheometer), two instruments for rapidly available structural analysis results suitable for direct monitoring of desired syntheses (X-ray diffraction instruments), three analytical instruments for the detection of pollutants and their reaction products in water, air and soil (HPLC/MS/PDA, TOC analyser, ICP-OES), and a unique instrument for the analysis of gene expression changes and protein detection, which can be used not only to detect health effects of nanomaterials, but also to describe and explain the mechanisms of action.

In addition, three experimental techniques (microscopy, spectroscopy and air purification) will be upgraded with new detection units.

The acquisition of six new instruments will also be essential for the further implementation of user projects, replacing instruments at the end of their useful life whose continued operation is essential for VVI NanoEnviCz (SEM, BET, PCR, XPS, FTIR, Raman spectrometer).
