New open positions

Researcher / junior researcher / postdoc

  • Scientific specialization: chemistry / biochemistry / biophysics
  • Number of open positions: 2
  • Positions offered by: CATRIN – RCPTM, Biologically Active Complexes and Molecular Magnets
  • Type of employment: full-time (1.0)
  • Place of work: Šlechtitelů 27, Olomouc 783 71, CZ
  • Start date of employment: between09/2021 and 12/2021
  • Description of working group:

Formal requirements:

  • practical experiences in the field of synthesis and/or study of properties of low-molecular-weight compounds  
  • Ph.D. or equivalent in the field of chemistry, biochemistry or biophysics  
  • ability to perform individual and also team scientific work, supported by a list of scientific publications published within last 5 years
  • (co)authorship of at least 10 papers in journals with IF registered on Web of Science (
  • active involvement in international collaboration
  • appropriate oral and written knowledge of English language
  • grant experiences in the required scientific field supported by a list of grants executed in the role of the Principal Investigator or Co-investigator within last 5 years – seen as advantage
  • experiences with collaboration with business and industrial sphere – seen as advantage

 What we offer:

  • work on interesting up-to-date research topics with high application potential
  • possibility to utilize top instrumental techniques  
  • possibility of self and scientific development and growth
  • motivating financial conditions
  • interesting employee benefits

Required documents:

  • structured profession CV
  • copies of highest gained education (Diploma)
  • list of most significant research activities/publications/project participations within last 5 years

Contact person: prof. RNDr. Zdeněk Trávníček, Ph.D. 

Deadline for applications: 31st August 2021

The Applications together with all required documents shall be sent to within the stated deadline.  

Martina Šaradínová
13. června 2021